The first hydrogen locomotive in Europe for SNCF


The first hydrogen locomotive in Europe for SNCF


The first hydrogen locomotive in Europe for SNCF

The SPACT 80 project aims at developing a hybrid fuel cell generator for embedded rail applications. As part of this project, a 80 kW fuel cell, made by HELION Hydrogen Power, was tested under real conditions on a representative rail application platform, and thus integrated into a locomotive of the SNCF (French National Railway Company). A technical achievement made possible by a several robustness tests of the technology facing collisions and vibrations.

Partners :
SNCF, INRETS, FCellSys, the DGA (the General Delegation for Armaments), the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies office (CEA)

With financial support of :
ANR (French National Research Agency)

Date : 2009

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